HDCA-WebinarCapability as informational basis for work and employment politics – a European re-search experience
21. April 2021
Foto: Chris Montgomery/Unsplash
The HDCA Thematic Group on Work & Employment is coordinated by Ortrud Leßmann, Kirsten Sehnbruch and Nicolai Suppa. We invite you cordially to the following webinar:
One of the opportunities our thematic network offers is to take stock of capability theories and concepts in the field of employment and work. The upcoming webinar is an exercise in such stock-taking: three members of the TG will look back on a collaborative experience in a pivotal European integrated Project.
In CAPRIGHT (Resources, Rights and Capabilities: In search of social foundations for Europe, (2007-2010) 24 partners from 13 European countries shared their work on capability–related concepts to inform European labour policies and work practices – understood in a wide sense and comprising services and regulation in the fields of work, employment, vocational training, work arrangements and collective action. Five capability domains proved central in CAPRIGHT:
- The capability for work – regarding qualities of the work process and of work relations,
- The capability for employment – in internal labour markets, in labour market policy and in interactions with public employment services,
- The capability for training – both in and out of employment,
- The capability for work-life-balance – with regard to the balance between paid work and household care work, as well as to personal development,
- The capability for voice – in all of these domains.
“Ten years after”, Peter Bartelheimer, Jean-Michel Bonvin and Bénédicte Zimmermann look back at the conceptual “takeaway” of the CAPRIGHT network and reflect on refinements and further developments in their subsequent work.
The webinar has taken place on April 21 at 4 pm CEST via Zoom.
The webinar has been recorded and is provided on the HDCA-website.