Zeitschriftenartikel in Management Revue gerade erschienenAn Exploratory Study of Spirituality in German Enterprisesvon Dorothea Alewell und Tobias Moll
23. April 2021
Foto: Kimberly Farmer @ unsplash
Verbundmitglieder Dorothea Alewell und Tobias Moll haben in der Management Revue 32, Heft 1 einen Beitrag zu Spiritualität in deutschen Unternehmen veröffentlicht. Der Beitrag ist ein Ergebnis ihres Forschungsprojekts zu Spiritualität und Religiosität am Arbeitsplatz.
Spirituality at work is increasingly attracting attention in management research, es-pecially in the Anglo-Saxon and Asian contexts. However, for the German context,we know little about spirituality at work from scientific research, and findings andresults from other sources are broadly scattered. Using a mixed-methods approach,we collect first findings on employer’s perception of spirituality at work and specificHRM practices in German workplaces. We analyse daily newspapers and relatedbest-practice publications and conduct a small-scale qualitative employer survey inNorthern Germany. To structure the results, we propose three main impact perspec-tives on spirituality in the workplace (workforce diversity, employee needs, and em-ployer capabilities) as well as different employer stances in dealing with these threeperspectives, from faith-avoiding to faith-based (Miller & Ewest, 2015). In all threeperspectives and stances, companies already implement different HR activities un-der different expectations and perceptions. Some German organisations already ad-dress the needs perspective by room-related tools, working time-related tools, food-related offers, and instruments that facilitate coordination and cooperation in mul-ti-religious settings. Employer stances differ concerning religious and non-religiousspirituality. While employers view nonreligious spirituality in the company as gen-erally positive (faith-friendly), they are often sceptical of religious spirituality at work(faith-avoiding or faith-safe).
Spirituality at work, employer stances, HR activities, Germany
(JEL: M500, M540, M590, Z1)
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